The Board of the DBG
Members of the Board
William J. Blundell (President)
Alexander Satt (Vice-President)
Jan Grensemann (Secretary)
Bernd Glückert (Treasurer)
Patrons of the Society
Head of the Administration of Central Franconia, Frau Regierungspräsidentin, Dr. Kerstin Engelhardt-Blum, Ansbach
the Lord Mayor of Erlangen, Dr. Florian Janik
the Lord Mayor of Fürth, Dr. Thomas Jung,
the Lord Mayor of Nuremberg, Markus König
They all support us very much with their assistance. For this we express our deepest gratitude.
Election of the Board of the DBG
Members of the Board serve a two year term of office and are newly elected or re-elected by a majority of member votes during the Annual General Meeting.
The Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Nürnberg would like to remember deceased Board Members:

Harald R. Schmauser , President (+ 2016)
Harald R. Schmauser (+ 2016) (President until 2016)
Anton Graf Faber-Castell (+ 2016) (Extended Board Member)
Honorary member of the Board
Prof. Dr. Karl Josef Hoeltgen +